简介:Set in the country-town of Upson Down, the comedy drama follows eleven-year-old Annie Shearer and her adopted stray dog Runt, as they try to save the family farm by competing in the Agility Course Grand
简介:Isaac, and his wife, Tania, are heading to the countryside to help Isaac's estranged father Abe do some projects around the house as an opportunity to try to patch things up.
简介:Under the 'Evening Shadows', truth often plays hide and seek. Set in South India and Mumbai, 'Evening Shadows' is a tender heartwarming story about a mother-son bond that has to withstand the ravages of time, distance and truths.
简介:A young girl stays with her estranged grandparents in the city while she waits for the results of her audition for an international performance group. Her grandparents welcome her, delighted about the chance to get to know their granddaughter better. While staying at the house, the girl gets to know her uncle, who suffers from a mysterious long-term lung illness and is mainly c...
简介:这部八集系列节目拍摄于2023年,在朴智旻和田柾国入伍韩国军队之前,它记录了两人前往三个标志性全球目的地的旅行:美国纽约州、韩国济州岛和日本札幌。 《Are You Sure?!》将带领观众跟随智旻和柾国一同展开充满乐趣的旅程,他们会一起吃饭、购物、烹饪、露营、划独木舟、游泳和公路旅行,并且会更深入地展现智旻和柾国之间不可否认的化学反应和令人喜爱的友谊,他们在旅程中通过各种难忘的时刻建立联系,沉浸于不同的文化,探索各种充满行动的活动,并品尝当地美食。